“She saw in us what we had never seen in ourselves and somehow we came to believe in what she saw.”


Linda Tippett, Coach and Client of Erin Matlock

Erin’s coaching is an epic journey back home to yourself—the young you who believed anything was possible—before life got in the way. 

You have a habit of saying yes when you really want to say no.


You often attract people who need to be rescued.


You are a perfectionist.


You look to others, outside success or the number on the scale for approval.


You over-give, over-function and put yourself last on the list.


You are often the first to volunteer even though you don’t have any more time.


You keep your true opinions to yourself for fear of confrontation.


You mistake being needed with being loved.


You are the one everyone seems to lean on.


You are heavily affected when people don’t like you.


You struggle to trust your own decisions.


Small setbacks can set off an anxiety-filled day.


You worry about what people will think of you.


You don’t want to bother people with your problems.


You rarely accept help from other people, preferring to do things yourself.


You routinely put on a brave face.


You secretly resent people for not giving back to you.


You’ve lost touch with what would truly make you happy in life.


You replay conversations with people over and over in your head.


You’re often emotionally exhausted by the end of the day.


You have a gold medal in pretending things are fine.


Some people flow through life with “nerves of steel”.


They think differently, feel differently and act differently…automatically.


Some of these people were born with a higher capacity for resilience. Others were lucky enough to learn to become mentally strong during their childhood (Werner & Smith, 1992). Martin Seligman, who pioneered the field of positive psychology, calls this learned optimism.


These people meet the world on their own terms.


They have higher levels of external explanatory style (Buchanan & Seligman, 1995), exhibit an internal locus of control (Rotter 1966), tend to have higher parasympathetic tone (vagal brake response) (Kok & Fredrickson, 2010) and have a deep seated trust that they can adapt and respond to their environment no matter how bad things might get.


If you’re like me, you didn’t win the resiliency lottery.


I know what it’s like to fall victim to overreacting over the simplest things and feeling panic over situations that don’t seem to phase other people.


I know what it’s like to feel frustration and disillusionment with life. I understand the pressure of needing to be perfect in hopes of fitting in.


I have a longstanding history of major depression. (I even gave a TEDx Talk about it.) I deal with anxiety in and out of public places. I am an introvert. And I am shy.


Even with all of that, I live my life in the public eye as an international speaker, high-performance coach and advocate for living life on your own terms.


This is a transformational coaching program that gives you the tools and framework to master your internal thought processes, achieve higher levels of spiritual awareness and optimize your emotional responses.


Through an innovative and completely unique approach, you will learn how to build the level of emotional strength that enables you to respond calmly to even the most stressful challenges. You will also understand how to build a conscious connection to humanity which opens the doorway to a deeply fulfilled life.


You will release the need to live a life based on fear and control. Instead, you will ease back into alignment with your soul and purpose in this life. You’ll be amazed as this new alignment naturally improves the relationships around you.


You will learn how to stand firm in your own power, experience steady grace in your decisions and live a deeply impactful life on your own terms.


Erin Matlock is a mindset coach whose brain-centered approach attracts leaders, coaches and entrepreneurs as she guides them through intense transition and rapid growth in their professional and personal lives.


She is author of Worth It, a book of her viral poetry and essays, a life member of Mensa® and a conceptual artist working within the intersection of paint and language.


Erin’s paintings hang in private and public collections in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Italy, Japan and France.


Named one of the Top 50 Human Behavior Experts to Follow, she is a popular international and TEDx speaker who boldly challenges the stigma of suicide through deeply personal accounts of survival and public recovery.


The Listening Program® by Advanced Brain Technologies provides the neurotechnology foundation of your training.


This is delivered through scientifically engineered music with specific frequencies filtered in and out at different intervals to allow your brain to selectively and therapeutically process them in a way that strengthens neurological pathways.


This program stimulates regions in the brain and autonomic nervous system to bring self-regulation processes back into balance, reduces the production of stress hormones and activates the brain’s reward system.


It optimizes mental performance, enhances focus, creativity and productivity and rebuilds emotional strength.


Read Erin’s 10 week public case study to improve brain performance through evidence based music listening therapy that can enhance focus, creativity, productivity, memory, sleep and emotional strength.


Developed over a decade of in-the-field mindset coaching with some of the brightest minds in the world, you will learn innovative, and often counter-intuitive, ways to master your internal thought and behavior processes.


You will learn how you unconsciously create your own reality (good or bad) and tap into a unique counter-balance that helps to overcome your biologically programmed “set point” for emotional strength.


You will obtain new cognitive skills to help you bounce back from adversity quickly and at the same time find the spiritual guidance and hidden gifts in perceived obstacles.


You will begin to see people differently, with more empathy and compassion. You will notice and understand the underlying patterns of their behavior and you will learn to detach from taking their words and actions personally.


There is a world that exists between the one you are living in now and the one that lies just beyond the reach of your human experience.


When you begin paying attention to the latter, you will also see that it is paying attention to you.


It is this shift in awareness that awakens a part of you that is capable of far deeper meaning.


You have been graced with the capacity for awe and wonder…no matter your age, your upbringing or your physical circumstances.


This program empowers you to live an expansive life by accessing the infinite wisdom that lives deep within you.


Where you focus your attention leads to a flow of neural firing and the growth of neural connections. Science has shown that you have the ability to focus your attention in more efficient ways to induce neural firing in new areas.


Through this training you will use your mind and your newly trained attention to change the connections in your brain.


You will gain confidence in your trained ability to regulate your emotional response and better respond to unexpected personal challenges and adverse life events.


Through research validated mindfulness techniques you will learn to improve your response to your environment and create a perception of safety and security from deep within.


Join Erin for this short story about perfectionism and the self-sabotage that blocks us from easily manifesting what we truly want.


+ How to respond to stressful, draining or annoying people with a surprising level of compassion and appreciation


+ Learn to stop the pattern of shame and critical self-talk that serves only to keep you in a state of negative momentum, sadness and frustration


+ Understand what changes in the brain will allow you control over your feelings and emotions


+ Learn to turn jealousy and envy into powerful allies that help you uncover exactly what you want in life


+ How to confidently and freely speak your mind to those closest to you so you leave the conversation with your composure and courage in tact


+ Learn to recognize obstacles for what they really are and watch as they open up new opportunities for your desired goals


+ What you must do to release the need for approval from outside sources


+ Understand that you are always being guided and learn to strengthen your own inner voice


+ Identify your core wounds and how they are repeatedly mirrored back to you…until you actively resolve them


+ Release the rumination and critical self talk that clogs your mind and ease back into your heart as you begin to wholly trust your own decisions


+ Unleash your hidden creative spirit and watch as it reignites your work, your health and your relationships


+ Redefine what impossible means for you and never again let anyone decide the potential of your life


+ The 6 word phrase that will instantly free you from the vicious judgement and criticism cycle


+ Understand why you spin from one thing to another without settling into your true purpose in life


+ Identify when you are acting in imposter syndrome and how to ease yourself back into a place of authentic confidence


+ Discover how to use your interactions with others as a gift to see deep within your unconscious mind


+ Learn exactly why you procrastinate and how to use it as a positive tool to reach your intended goal


+ How to effectively communicate your opinions and needs so you feel heard, understood and respected


+ Why you are hardwired to unconsciously sabotage the very things you want most… and how to outsmart yourself


+ How to overcome the feeling of not being enough and release yourself from the worry of abandonment


+ How to rebuild trust in your choices and decisions, as well as how to build trust in those around you


+ How to quiet the inner critic and instead feel your way through to the path of least resistance


+ How to stop looking to others for approval and release the need to please people


+ Learn to embrace failure and finally understand the innate guidance in each perceived loss


+ Find the courage to listen to the pull deep inside of you and begin going after what you truly want in life


+ How to be okay with people not liking you


+ How to deal with setbacks and disappointments without allowing them to derail your big leap forward


+ How to heal ongoing arguments and frustration with your family members, co-workers, friends and exes


+ Become fascinated by the sheer will and infinite potential of your human spirit


+ Reclaim your peace and find a sense of wholeness and completion from deep within your soul

Thoughts From Erin’s Past Clients and Course Members

My internal compass had slowly been recalibrating for a number of months. On a very visceral level, I knew it was my time. Furthermore, I sensed that you were the one to accompany and guide me through this journey. My intuition was spot on.

My biggest takeaway is to trust my internal compass and that everything I need to be the absolute best version of myself is already within me and surrounding me. I can tune in to the energy that is already present by aligning my emotions with my goals and then taking action that supports my moving forward…closer to my desires.

I now also have come to realize that those that I know and love, even those that I’m close to, cannot be persuaded to join me on this journey…they have their own path to take…some may take my hand and others may walk away…but I know now that it’s not my responsibility to steer them in my direction.

Tina Cufaro

I built a resort in the South Pacific when I was 65. I am now 75 and I felt the need for support and inspiration. We swim with humpback whales for 3 months (half of July, August, September and half of October) and are fully booked but then take 9 months off.

I was thinking of doing 3 months here and building a wellness retreat in Tucson, close to family, and do a 3 month business there. However, having either place dormant for 9 months is not good for the property or employees.

I felt the need for support in the decision making process. I wanted help to find and release my blocks to making money.

Working with someone who knows they are a work in progress is so great, as we all are no matter how old we are. I am so proud of you and what you are doing.

I have learned to act on opportunities and to say yes to what feels right and no to what does not.

Patti Ernst

There are so many things I have learnt through your guidance, the biggest being a shift in perception of myself and what I am capable of.  I have quite a journey ahead but with the tools you’ve given me I now know I’m in the strongest position to accomplish bigger and better things. 

Mike Meinke

Distilling everything down to 1 nugget = If it’s not 100% yes, it’s a no. That means what & who I invest my time in, how I act, with whom I interact (who I consider my friends), how much I charge for my professional services (am I charging what I am worth?) how long I spend doing anything, and last but certainly not least, collateral damage.

Adeena Pelberg

My biggest takeaway was the “importance of cleaning up collateral damage.” As a result of this teaching, I undertook, during the period of this course, to address/resolve a painful betrayal issue with a good friend. The steps were taken, and I am at peace.

Pat Mattas, Educational Therapist

I actually didn’t know what to expect when I signed up. I felt drawn to Erin and somehow my inner guidance system (which I would learn more about) guided me to take this – so I said Yes and signed up. Thankfully I listened.

My biggest takeaway was cleaning up my collateral damage – I had no idea how much this has been blocking me and my health. Learning to trust and be guided by my inner guidance system.

Melanie Wood, OT Solutions

Erin is brilliant in her ideas and though she calls herself shy she is an excellent teacher with her bags full of entrepreneurial tricks and tools.

Habib Khan M.D.

“I started The Listening Program to help me get my brain back after life, work, relationships, and depression took it away.


It’s like someone opened my head and cleared out all the junk that had been building up for decades. I got me back. The young me. The one who was full of life and free and believed my ‘good years’ were still ahead of me. The one who didn’t feel the need to conform and please.


I am handling stress in a way that is so far beyond calm. Almost detached, but in a good, protective way. I am seeing people in a much different light.


As someone who has felt out of place my entire life, I am now feeling a connection that gives me a much needed sense of peace. I still feel different, and I believe that is common for introverts. It’s just that I now feel whole.”


Erin Matlock, The Sound/Mind Experiment, Fall 2015


Buchanan, G. and Seligman, M.E.P. (Eds.). (1995). Explanatory Style. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.


Carney, R. M., et al. “Depression, heart rate variability, and acute myocardial infarction.” Circulation 104, no. 17 (2001): 2024-2028.


Kawachi I, Sparrow D, Vokonas PS, Weiss ST. Decreased heart rate variability in men with phobic anxiety. Am J Cardiol 1995; 75: 882-885.


Kok, B. E., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2010). Upward spirals of the heart: Autonomic flexibility, as indexed by vagal tone, reciprocally and prospectively predicts positive emotions and social connectedness. Biological psychology, 85(3), 432-436.


Kristal-Boneh E, Raifel M, Froom P, Ribak J. Heart rate variability in health and disease. Scan J Work Environ Health 1995; 21: 85-95.


Ochsner, K. and Gross, J. (2008). Cognitive Emotion Regulation: Insights from Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. Curr Dir Psychol Sci. 2008 Apr; 17(2): 153–158.


Paddock, C. “Low Heart Rate Variability May Influence PTSD Risk,” Medical News Today Sept 11, 2015


Peterson, Christopher, Seligman, Martin E. Psychological Review, Vol 91(3), Jul 1984, 347-374


Rotter, J. B. (1966). “Generalized expectancies for internal versus external control of reinforcement”. Psychological Monographs: General & Applied. 80 (1): 1–28.


Werner, E., and R. Smith. (1992). OVERCOMING THE ODDS: HIGH-RISK CHILDREN FROM BIRTH TO ADULTHOOD. New York: Cornell University Press, 1992. ED 344 979.


Erin Matlock is not a medical practitioner and does not diagnose or treat any medical or psychiatric condition. She does not dispense any medical advice or prescriptions.


All products and services by Erin Matlock and Erin Matlock Inc are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or coaching replaces medical or psychiatric care nor is it a promise or guarantee of any results.


You agree to fully research, and assume all liability for, any and all coaching, content, strategies and techniques we discuss, and you agree to seek the care of a licensed medical professional before moving forward with any changes. If you feel sick and need medical care of any kind, you agree to take responsibility for your health and contact your licensed health care provider.