This is the Week Nine update for The Sound/Mind Experiment.


If you missed Week Eight, you can read it here.


This Red Zone has been a surprise. After eight weeks of intense change, I finally feel like I’m able to coast a bit and really enjoy the training I’ve done.


This zone is all about energy, alertness, creativity, executive function and a heightened state of performance. 


While the other zones created deep and much needed change in my life, I didn’t feel a direct and instant “hit” at the time of the actual listening session. Instead I saw the differences throughout the day, as well as throughout each week (which is what the music is intended to do).


This zone is different and is meant to give you an immediate boost.. and it does.


Be sure to do your Red Zone training in the morning to make the most of it.



November 16
Session: 8:21pm
Listening Zone: Red


First cold day of the year. Feeling extremely clear and focused. Signs showing up all over the place, so I’m feeling completely aligned. This was a very good Monday.


Today’s Training Helped With: time management, interpersonal relationships, increased daily physical activity



November 17
Session: 6:48pm
Listening Zone: Red


Busy day. Listened later than I wanted to, but welcomed two wonderful clients, so it’s been a great day.


Today’s Training Helped With: organization, social interactions, gross motor skills



November 18
Session: 6:17pm
Listening Zone: Red


This really is happy music. My head always feels a bit full after the listening but nothing bad…like it’s been working.


Today’s Training Helped With: self-control, conflict resolution, fine motor skills



November 19
Session: 11:19am
Listening Zone: Red


Easy day. Clear thinking. High productivity. Feels like I’m riding the wave which I don’t mind after all the hard work.


Today’s Training Helped With: time management, interpersonal relationships, increased daily physical activity



November 20
Session: 1:13pm
Listening Zone: Red


Clear head. I’ve noticed a definite boost in my energy in the red zone, as well as a nice productivity increase. I’m thinking the brain fog is a thing of the past at this point.


Today’s Training Helped With: behavior, self-confidence, coordination